Business Data Communications &<br>IT Infrastructures

Business Data Communications &
IT Infrastructures

Edition 2.0 | Copyright 2017 | Publication Date: July 2016

Manish Agrawal, University of South Florida
Rekha Sharma, Hewlett Packard Enterprise


Designed for an undergraduate course in Business Data Communications, this second edition also includes an introduction to IT Infrastructures to address recommendations in the ACM/AIS IS 2010 Curriculum Guidelines. This text focuses on a core set of data communications technologies and why they have been designed to work the way they do. Two new chapters are included in the second edition of this textbook: Chapter 12 on Computer Infrastructures and Chapter 13 on IT Service Delivery.


Unifying Theme
Integrates a unifying theme throughout the book – “Efficiency of network resource utilization”– to reinforce the important strategic organizational purpose of data communications.

Hands-On Exercises
Hands-on exercises in every chapter actively engage students. Exercises include tracert, ipconfig, ping, netstat, and nslookup. Other exercises use software including Wireshark, OPNET, and BGPlay.

Real Business Use Cases
A case in each chapter shows students the business use for the technologies covered.

Network and IT Infrastructure Design Cases
A design case recurring throughout the text, demonstrates how all the technologies integrate with each other in an enterprise network. Questions at the end of each case, provide students with the opportunity to make design choices to meet user requirements for the technology covered.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Physical Layer
  • Chapter 3: Data-link Layer
  • Chapter 4: Network Layer
  • Chapter 5: Transport Layer
  • Chapter 6: Application Layer
  • Chapter 7: Support Services
  • Chapter 8: Routing
  • Chapter 9: Subnetting
  • Chapter 10: Wide Area Networks
  • Chapter 11: Network Security
  • Chapter 12: Computing Infrastructures
  • Chapter 13: IT Services Delivery
  • Chapter 14: Managerial Issues

  • Appendix A: Networking Careers
  • Supplementary Chapter 15 Wireless Networks (in eTextbook and online only)
  • Supplementary Chapter 16 Phone Networks (in eTextbook and online only)

About the Authors

Manish Agrawal is the chair of the Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department at the University of South Florida, Muma College of Business. He teaches business data communications, information assurance, and applications development. He has been the recipient of the USF university-wide award for teaching excellence. Dr. Agrawal is an expert in cybersecurity, social media analytics, software quality, offshoring and outsourcing. His research and teaching have been funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum and Sun Microsystems. His extensive research has been published in numerous academic journals, including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, the INFORMS Journal on Computing, the Journal of Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Decision Support Systems and the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce.

Manish Agrawal

Instructor Resources

Prospect Press provides instructors with an instructor manual, lecture slides and a test bank for each title.
Some texts have additional resources including case teaching notes, tutorials, and addenda.
This content is available to instructors only and is password protected.

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Student Resources

Student Manual

Download end-of-chapter review questions and resources for the IT Infrastructure Design Case in Word format (.docx).

Student PowerPoint Slides

The author has created PowerPoint slides as a helpful student guide for taking notes during class.

Supplementary Chapters

Business Data Communications & IT Infrastructures, Edition 2.0 contains 14 chapters plus 2 supplementary chapters (15 and 16), available for download only, after purchase of the printed paperback. Supplementary chapters are automatically included with the eTextbook.

Download Supplementary Chapters 15 & 16 (PDF)

Companion Website

There is a Companion Website for the book which is referenced at various places in the text. The site includes technology standards, particularly the easy-to-read RFCs such as IP, TCP, HTTP, SMTP, and NAT. The goal of the site is to provide additional readings including technical articles and reports to help students get a broader understanding of data communications. Click on the URL below to access the Companion Website. Note that this site is still under construction.

List of Figures

For a complete list of figures with page numbers from the printed text, click HERE.

Other Resources

Download Chapter 2 Hands-on Exercise spreadsheet xlsx file, noted on page 81 of the printed textbook.

Current Edition

Business Data Communications &
IT Infrastructures

Manish Agrawal, University of South Florida
Clinton Daniel, University of South Florida

Edition 3.0
Copyright 2021

View Current Edition

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